Commercial Landscaping

Podiums & Roof Gardens
City views and relaxing outdoor spaces made possible with Roof Gardens and Podiums, we work with you to blend the harsh lines of cityscapes with the nature of plants.

Community Outdoor Spaces
Reconnecting with nature in Urban and Commercial environments has helped our clients improve employee productivity levels and overall wellbeing.

Urban Landscaping
We are able to develop creative solutions that enhance surroundings, improve or maintain natural features and revitalise unsightly areas.
We’re proud to soft-landscape in a variety of different commercial sectors including:
Commercial Offices
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
Public Open Spaces
Schools, Colleges and Institutes

Tree-Rooting Solutions and Systems
Our solutions help to marry the needs of the built environment and the arboricultural needs of the trees.
Working with tree pit requirements we ensure the correct size of the pit and access of soil to ensure your trees thrive. In addition we utilise urban root management solutions to avoid pavement or road heave.
The RootSpace soil cell system helps to replicate the forest scenario by providing the tree with the uncompacted, aerated soil that’s crucial to it’s long term health.